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Monday, November 29, 2021

Những điều cần biết về Excel: Loạt bài Excel Hoàn chỉnh - Tải xuống Miễn phí Cấp 1, 2 & 3

Excel Essentials: The Complete Excel Series – Level 1, 2 & 3 Free Download

Welcome in this Excel essentials the complete excel series course : The WHOLE Excel Mastery Series In One! From Excel Novice To VBA Programmer – Excel 2013, Excel 2016, Excel 2019

Excel essentials the complete excel series
Excel essentials the complete excel series

Course Video Size : 1.8 MB High Quality Video Content

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Original Author: Click Here

What you’ll learn :

  • By the end of Level 1:
  • Master all the basics of Excel, even if you’ve never seen a spreadsheet before!
  • Build your own spreadsheets from scratch, and actually understand how they work!
  • You will be able to build your own simple, AND complex formulas (and know what the difference is!), and use some of Excels built in functions.
  • Do in seconds, what a lot of seasoned users take minutes to do!
  • Increase your chances of promotion, or a better paying job by understanding the most widely used business software in the world
  • By the end of Level 2:
  • Learn To Use Excel Like The Professionals
  • Get Streets Ahead Of Your Competition
  • Build Powerful Advanced Excel Projects From Scratch
  • Create a fully functioning relational database using Excel
  • Create a simple data entry screen to auto-populate complex templates
  • Build Gantt charts in Excel for project planing
  • Expoit Excels built in advanced functions to do things “regular” users think are impossible!
  • By the end of Level 3:
  • Learn to program in VBA from scratch
  • Complete routine tasks thousands of times faster! (Yes, see the demo!)
  • Confidently tackle any programming project
  • Understand coding, and the thought process behind it
  • Fully automate Excel using Visual Basic for Applications
  • Fully automate report generation
  • Program simple “helper” solutions
  • Develop complex full blown applications from scratch
  • Control other Microsoft applications like Outlook, Word, PowerPoint and even Windows itself!
  • Create emails and send them automatically!
  • Create Word documents using VBA code right from Excel!
  • Create PowerPoint presentations in seconds automatically
  • Create entire folder directories in Windows automatically!

Requirements for this course :

  • All you need is a PC, a copy of Excel 2010. 2013, 2016, or Office 365 and a willingness to learn!
  • No other knowledge is required, as each step is explained fully in the course.

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